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Free Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Update Bug Fix is Finally Here

Notch has recently announced minecraft beta 1.7.3 update to fix bugs on minecraft 1.7 download. Here are the latest minecraft bug fixes that was posted hours ago on notch minecraft blog site.

- Corrected a block duplication bug when using pistons
- Corrected a redstone torch duplication bug when using pistons
- Corrected a client crash when placing a sign in front of the piston, powering the piston and then removing the block beneath the sign
- Ice blocks are now pushed without causing water streams breaking everything
- Booster rails are no longer being powered magically without a power source
- Pistons connected to the end of a piston-transistor via redstone are now properly closed when the power goes out
- Doors no longer create purple particles
- Hacking clients can no longer edit texts of placed signs in multiplayer
- Changed so that paintings pushed by pistons will pop off

There are been a furious discussion in the forum due the frequent minecraft updates that some minecraft players complained that their minecraft crashes after certain updates and have to start over again. Solution of minecraft crashes is still a continuing discussion on how to solve this minecraft crashes.

Previous version, minecraft 1.6 had a huge patch updates, one had quoted that it reaches over 100 patched for a major bug fix. This  mean that minecraft 1.7 would be expected to have another major bug fix in the long run and number of updates and fix should be expected. Free minecraft 1.7.3 download updates is on its beta and may have undergo more patches for bug fix.

One minecraft players quoted this "Mod support better make things a lot easier, and I hope that the better modders like the makers of industrialcraft and buildcraft get the unobfuscated code. If they're not a good modder, the code would go wasted, as the ones with huge mods that add in lots of new content need it more. " 

Minecraft 1.7.3 patch update, one minecraft user shows dupliction bug on the latest minecraft beta 1.7.3 patch. Checkout the video below.


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